

“Literatura de los Pueblos Angloparlantes” is a subject from the 6th semester of the Bachelor in “Educación mención Idiomas Extranjeros”. 

This course is focused in some general topics such as literature’s definition, literary devices and the English literature periods. 

But, we will also focus on some relevant literary works such as ‘Beowulf’, ‘Sir Gawain and The Green Knight’, ‘Dracula’, ‘Great Expectations’ and ‘Of Mice and Men’. These works will be analyzed in terms of plot, characters, themes, motifs, symbols, context…


This blog was created to give information about the subject "Literatura de los Pueblos Angloparlantes" at Universidad de Los Andes, Núcleo Universitario "Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez" - Táchira. 

This website will include: class schedules, topics, suggested materials, projects, assessments and activities. 

Also, it is structured in sections about the main topics and each post, or specific topic, is divided in categories according to their nature.


One of my passions is literature. That is the reason why I have been working so hard and for so long with this. I have been part of this course for three semesters already: first as a student and later as a teaching assistant. 

In the picture below, you can see literature's students (A2018) with Professor Edith Valencia's coaches, including me, after the plays "Oliver Twist: The Musical" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". This was part of their grades and it has been a tradition for the past three semesters.

Also, in the next picture, you can see the new literature’s group (B2018) during our first public event this semester: "Literature through time". It was a series of presentations related to the literary periods. It was organized by Professor Edith Valencia and me (as teaching assistant).



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